Mayday or May Day
encanta la lengua inglesa. No es un secreto. Y una de las razones es porque
resulta increiblemente flexible. Por ejemplo, a la hora de componer nuevas
palabras podemos optar por la forma abierta, en el caso de May Day, o cerrada,
lo que da lugar a Mayday.
love the
English language. It is no secret. And one reason is
because it is incredibly flexible. For example, when
composing new words we can choose
the open form, in the case of May Day, or closed,
which gives rise to Mayday.

Mayday is an emergency code used internationally as an alert call, derived from French m'aider (which translates as "Help"). It is used as a call for help in many cases, such as the
merchant navy, police, aviation
and many other organizations. The call made three
times (mayday, mayday, mayday) means imminent danger.

May Day,
on the other hand, indicates the unofficial start of the summer in Britain,
where festivals and celebrations have been held for centuries. Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris
dancing, crowning a May
Queen and dancing
around a Maypole. This reminds me of the film Tess (1979), based on Thomas
Hardy´s Tess of D´ubervilles where we can see examples of such celebrations.