Ejercicios de inglés on-line II
On-line English exercises II

Today there are all kinds of resources within our reach to improve our language skills (translators, on-line dictionaries, on-line communities, podcasts, downloadable apps for smartphones and tablets, TV and radio, games consoles ...).
Este post se convierte
en un recopilatorio de recursos donde se muestran los
diferentes canales gratuitos de aprendizaje que existen actualmente para
aprender o mejorar un idioma. Todas
son online y gratuitas. La competencia lingüística aumenta las
posibilidades de encontrar un empleo, de ahí la importancia de saber un segundo
idioma, sobre todo el inglés.
This post becomes a resource collection that shows the different free channels that are currently available to learn or improve a language. All are online and free. Language proficiency increases the chances of finding a job, hence the importance of knowing a second language, especially English.

In BBC Learning English you can learn grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Also, you can do a test and learn how to teach English to others. The most interesting course is the course "6 minutes English", where you can listen to short recordings downloadable MP3 and PDF formats.
La UNED a través de la plataforma COMA ofrece cursos gratuitos para aprender inglés. “Empieza con el inglés” en el que anuncian que aprenderás las mil palabras más usadas en este idioma. Pero si tu nivel ya es suficiente, tienes otro curso: inglés profesional, con una duración de doce semanas.
UNED, through COMA platform, offers free courses to learn English. "Start with English" in offering to help you learn the thousand most common words in English. But if your level is enough, you have another English course: professional English, with a duration of twelve weeks.

Sherton English course. It's completely free and has over 700 audio lessons spread over 52 weeks. You can supplement with the study of grammar resources site, where you will find thousands of examples translated into Spanish.

OM PERSONAL is a site where you can make - full, for free, to your complete comfort and without pressure of time - 15 complete English multimedia courses.
Bueno, eso es todo. Luego no digais que no teneis nada que hacer durante el verano...