Once the most important cinema awards have been given again, it is time to check a couple of very interesting blogs. They offer their work free so that other teachers or independent students can enjoy cinema and English, or the other way round!

Claudio Azevedo, form Braziliza, Brazil, devotes this blog to the use of movies for the practice of English especially grammar activities with movie segments because, apparently, not many blogs offer this. Apparently, working with movie segments fosters his students' production and interest. His blog also offers movie segments to enhance topic based classes, focusing on conversation, listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition.
Por otro lado, este blog ofrece las escenas de películas como ideas en ejercícios de lluvia de ideas, calentamiento, seguimiento o cualquier ejercício que prepare a los alumnos para la actividad siguiente. Tiene las escenas, planificaciones de las clases y temas para estimular conversaciones. En general mucho trabajo ya hecho. (muchas gracias…)This blog offers movie segments to be used as brainstorm, warm up, follow up exercises, preparing the students for the coming topic in class. They offer the segments, the lesson plans, and varied topics to foster conversation. Loads of work already prepared. Thanks, really…
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