Here's a short list of links to webpages with exercises of English about London. I thought that, after the new year, the new year´s resolutions, the holidays, the trips to London and so on, some of you might welcome this opportunity to brush up your English.

The first is for those of you who know the place. La primera es para los que conoceis la ciudad:

The second is a short text, very easy, on the Tower of London. El segundo, muy sencillo, es sobre la Torre de Londres: http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-7057.php
Next is a series of printables, powerpoints and on line exercises. El siguiente es una serie de presentaciones, ejercicios on-line y páginas fotocopiables con ejercicios: http://www.eslprintables.com/buscador/buscar.asp?nivel=any&age=0&tipo=any&contents=london
This is highly recommendable for those preparing a trip to London. Este, para los que esteis preparando un viajecillo a Londres: http://blocs.xtec.cat/londontourist/category/exercises/
And this, for the return. Y éste, para la vuelta:

I hope you like it and make the most of it if your new year´s resolution was about learning English!
Espero que os guste y lo aprovecheis si habeis decidido aprender inglés desde el Año Nuevo!
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